Chapter 2.2: Like-minded People
A few meters away from the beautiful man and woman walking in front of me.
I was chasing after them, hiding in the shadows.
“Go out with me, I wondered what it was…….”
I hear Haru’s voice from behind me, as if she were dumbfounded.
“I didn’t realize it was stalking Senpai and Saaya-chan. Why you have to invite me?”
“So I can cover it up when they find out, no?”
“I see.”
She sighs in a conspiratorial manner, but I don’t mind at all.
Walking side by side, Takauji-san and Kidokoro-senpai were such an attractive couple that people who passed by them would look back at them, and they were attracting the attention of passersby.
There seemed to be no conversation between them.
Is that what I imagine lovers to be like?
“Haru, those two aren’t talking, are they?”
“They don’t seem to be talking, do they?”
Haru, perhaps bored, looked at her nails, which she had polished to a shine.
“Takauji-san, I don’t think she has having fun.”
“I wonder.”
Haru finally shifted her eyes to them.
“I said they just started dating, so it’s possible they’re just still awkward, or maybe they’re just nervous around each other. Maybe with time, that awkward atmosphere will disappear and they’ll be able to have fun talking.”
She doesn’t agree with my negative prediction at all.
“If Haru says so, maybe so, but senpai, he’s going out with Takauji-san because he like her, right?”
“It could be from Saaya-chan, you know. You’re so quick to make assumptions.”
Just as I had hidden my feelings for Takauji-san, Is Takauji-san had hidden her feelings for Kidokoro-senpai……? If that’s the case, I can understand why she is so nervous that she can’t have much conversation.
On the other hand, if senpai confessed his feelings for Takauji-san because he liked her. If it were me, I would shake the conversation, empty-hearted or not, but there would be no such pretense from the handsome senior who has fought a hundred battles.
Let’s take a peek at Kidokoro-senpai’s status.
Ryusei Kidokoro
Growth: Stagnant
Characteristics Skills:
} Sweet Mask That Both Oneself And Others Admit
} Good At Sports
} Schemer
As was the case with Takauji-san, the statuses include a proper compliment to his appearance.
If it is objectively convincing, the status of a good-looking or beautiful girl would be included.
“The only thing sweet about a mask is the melon.”
“What are you talking about?”
He’s an all-around sports guy, and he’s like a mass of popularity factors, really.
I’m soooo curious about this [Schemer] thing…….
I hope he’s not up to some weird scheme.
“Is he’s …… going to introduce Takauji-san to your bad buddies and take her to the underground world?”
Haru laughed.
“You’re thinking too much.”
“I’ve seen him in a manga!”
“No, it’s not a manga.”
“That’s true.”
With a single word, I cooled down.
I followed them as they walked toward the bustling station. They still didn’t seem to be having a good time, they just seemed to be together.
“Could it be that Takauji-san and senpai are neighbors who have known each other for many years and are childhood friends who grew up together like brother and sister, one year apart?”
I can only assume that’s why they’re so silent and don’t care about that about each other.
“You mean they’re like me and Akari?”
“Yeah. Even when we are silent, it’s not like we don’t have to worry about it, or that it doesn’t bother us, or that we are comfortable in the silence…….”
I don’t hear any voices denying my proposing the neighborhood friendship theory.
I glanced over to see Haru fiddling with her blonde hair with her fingertips.
“Akari, did you think of me that way?”
Haru’s cheeks are red, if not heartwarmingly so.
I had been home with Haru many times before, but neither of us talked much. We spent a lot of time together in silence.
I’ve never found that time difficult. I don’t know if Haru feels the same way, but during lunch break, when she comes to the secret place where I usually stay, she often just plays with her phone for a long time without talking about anything.
If I didn’t like silence and silence, I wouldn’t bother visiting that place.
“It’s not like that, I mean, it’s actually like that.”
“More details.”
Haru bent her finger slightly toward the front and asked for an explanation.
“So, it’s not that we don’t talk, it’s that we can have a good relationship …… without talking, right?”
Haru’s mouth loosened as she said, “I’m sorry.”
“Akari, did you think of me that way~?”
“I thought those two were like that too…”
“They went to different schools in elementary and middle school, you know.’
So they’re not neighbors or childhood friends.
They can’t be brother and sister or cousins.
So, then, it’s simple silence.
While I was chatting with Haru, the two of them entered the park. I looked at them from the entrance and saw a car with a store, where they were buying crepes.
They were buying crepes from there. And finally, they were having a conversation.
“”I’ll serve you here, Saaya-chan” “Yeah, but, oh no, I’m sorry.” “Just let me serve you, it’s okay.” “Well, I’ll take your word for it.””
And Haru will be recording along with their gestures.
It looked like the exchange was probably going to take place as it was.
“It’s a restaurant that’s talked about on social media as being delicious, over there. It’s really popular with the girls.”
“Have you done your research, senpai?”
I didn’t know that at all.
“It’s a crepe shop, but I think the price was a bit expensive for a high school student.”
Segawa commentator tells me.
“Oh, look, here. The cheapest one is 800 yen a piece.”
Haru shows me the menu page of the SNS store as she displays it to me.
“Too expensive!”
“He’s buying two of those most expensive ones.”
Haru explained, perhaps recognizing them from a distance, and I finally heard their voices.
“Saaya-chan, I’m going to buy you a drink, what would you like?”
“Tea …… Oh, wait. I’ll get it out.”
As Takauji-san tries to find her purse, Kidokoro-senpai waits.
“No, it’s okay, it’s okay. I’ll take it out. Don’t worry about it. I’ll have some tea then.”
With a fresh smile on his face, Jyosho-senpai started walking toward the vending machine.
“…………That’s how you’re getting along with girls who were awkward with you…….”
The way he closed the distance with the girls was natural.
If that kind of skill is called [Scheming], then I guess it is.
He’s done a lot of thinking, researching or knowing which restaurants are popular with the girls, and naturally taking those routes on your way home…….
He’s also dress down their uniforms to the extent that it doesn’t violate school rules.
And he’s also very stylish, with accessories that aren’t too assertive that fall within the breezy range.
“I expect that by next week, they’ll be getting to know each other even better.”
Haru uttered that they would be.
“No, you should be prepared when you’re stalking them, that’s what you’re saying.”
She’s a righteous gal, isn’t she?
“They’ve just started dating, so they don’t know each other’s distance, right? I think it just happens to be the case today.”
“You know a lot.”
“I hear that kind of thing all the time.”
“But you were more expressive when you were talking to me.”
“That’s just what you want, isn’t it? You’re a loser.”
“Shut up!”
I was about to tap her on the shoulder as a lighthearted tug of war, but without really checking, I reached out my hand toward Haru.
I felt an unexpected touch on the back of my hand.
Hmmm? This is the second time I’ve had this feeling…
I looked over and saw that my hand had been rude to Haru’s tits.
“Oh, sh*t. Sorry. I didn’t do that on purpose this time…”
“E-E-E-E Bakari’s ecchi! Just because we’re childhood friends doesn’t mean I’m okay with everything! I really can’t do it!”
I’m not sure if she was angry at me for touching her, embarrassed, or disgusted by my mild apology, but Haru was red-faced and half-crying. Maybe it was the second time, but there was no disgusted silence.
Then she turned on her heel and turned to leave, trying to hobble away.
“Hey, Haru──”
“I’m leaving!”
Haru, sticking out her tongue, began to retrace her steps home.
I’ll apologize properly later…….
The whole look and feel of Haru is dressed in an erotic way, but as far as erotica goes, it’s that way. She seemed to be in a kind of bad mood because I said she was experienced…….
That part has not grown at all.
I think that’s probably true for Takauji-san as well.
I think that just because she likes the dirty jokes, it doesn’t mean that she likes eroticism.
That’s why I’m even more concerned about his [Weak Push] status and the bad reputation of Kidokoro-senpai who just started dating her.
[TL: I changed the [Not a Pushover] to [Weak Push].]
Kidokoro-senpai returns after buying a drink.
At the beginning of the meal, I could hear her saying how delicious it was, but now that’s gone and both of them were eating the crepe silently as if it was some kind of quota or something.
The keywords “lovers,” “park,” and “crepe” are not even close to what one would expect from them.
At least Takauji-san did not look happy.
Eventually, after finishing their crepes, they got up from the bench and left the park, parting ways in front of the station.
I wondered if Kidokoro-senpai knew that Takauji-san was a late-night radio listener.
As I absentmindedly watched Takauji-san’s back, she casually looked back at me.
Our eyes met.
Oh no. I’m going to get caught stalking her!
“Uh…I’m here on business, and I just happened to see you.”
If it had been me before, I probably would have run away unnaturally.
But thanks to the fact that I’ve changed from [Timid] to [Reclusive] and thanks to my skill of [Voluble] I could easily come up with the right words without running away.
“You go to school by train, right, Takauji-san?”
I dared to ask what I knew and deflected the conversation.
“I see. The nearest station is this way, so the percentage of our students increases around here at this time of the day.”
“Yes, that’s true.”
This was not the same Takuji-san I had talked to in the classroom, but the same Takauji-san I knew so well.
Her face, coupled with her features, had an air of dignity about it.
The way her expression changes from moment to moment is cute. But her normal facial expression is just as beautiful as ever.
“Did you need me to walk with you to the station…..?”
If I had been in this situation yesterday, I would never have said that.
If I hadn’t known that we were also late-night radio listeners, that she was “Ujicha,” that she liked to talk dirty, and that she could really change her expression like that, I would have walked away from her like yesterday.
“I’m fine. Thanks.”
Her cold, bare face relaxed a little.
“Yeah, right …… it’s still totally bright.”
Miyanodai Station and its station front are known for being very safe. I saw on TV or something that it is ranked as one of the top towns where families want to live.
Takauji-san seemed to be heading toward the station saying, “Well then.” but she didn’t move from that spot.
I was in a panic because I had not thought of a topic of conversation because I thought she was going home.
She didn’t start talking about anything and didn’t leave.
“It’s still …… you know, it’s still bright.”
Takauji-san murmured.
If I had not listened carefully, I would have missed it.
Maybe…no, if that was the case, I would be very happy, but it shouldn’t be….
“Well, if you want, why don’t we stop somewhere?”
How could I refuse such an offer?
“If it’s okay with me. Are you free?”
I don’t know any of the trendy cafes in this area, even though I’m from here, and I have no idea what kind of stores or stores …… that JK might like. Do you want me to search? No, I’m not comfortable doing that right in front of you.
─ ─ Wait. I saw that Takauji-san’s status was “junk food lover.” That’s the opposite of the image I had of her. She seems to be a health-conscious person at a glance.
Speaking of junk food, I can find a link to……
“Can we go to a hamburger store in front of the station or something?”
“Yes! Sure.”
I thought I saw Takauji-san’s eyes light up for a moment.
“Let’s go.”
I walked alongside her as she walked briskly. I knew she liked that kind of food.
That being the case, how did it come to this?
I wonder why she invited me to this meeting.
“You were with senpai earlier, is this okay?”
Takauji-san tilts her head with pure eyes.
“No, it’s just that after being with your boyfriend, you’re with another boy.”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s okay.”
It’s okay, huh?
I guess that means she doesn’t see me as a man. And she doesn’t deny that he’s her boyfriend at all.
……I knew that!
We get to the burger store, find an empty seat, and sit down facing each other.
It’s like a date. But I’m sure the other side doesn’t think that for a millimeter.
I can’t look directly at their faces when she sit right in front of me because I usually look at them from the side.
…………She’s too cute.
We both picked up our purchases at the counter and returned to our seats.
The way she eat their fries, crunching them into little pieces, is as cute as a squirrel. She is chewing them with the mouth full of fries. She looks so happy. I can feel it just by looking at it.
She seems to have noticed my eyes on her and says something like,
“I like this kind of food, but I don’t usually go there.”
“You don’t come here often?”
She shook her head, pouting. She told me that when she does go, it’s usually to cafes, which makes it even harder for her to tell her friends about it.
Takauji-san bites into her cheeseburger. She has ketchup on the side of her mouth. Is she naughty? But she’s cute, right?
“I once told my friend on the way home that I wanted to stop by this kind of restaurant. Then she laughed and said, “Saaya, you like that kind of thing?””
Laugh? It’s not funny. It’s cheap and tasty. I would think so, but that’s a girl’s world. Maybe it’s something to avoid if it’s gruff and not fashionable.
“Everyone likes fashionable and cute things, so I try to be the same way. Otherwise, I would lose my friends.”
Saying this, Takauji-san laughs as if troubled.
If you are not like the people around you, you will not be included in the circle. It’s like peer pressure.
“I don’t really want to eat expensive crepes, and I’ve never wanted to go to that sweet store that’s all over social media.”
So the stereotype that comes to mind with JK is not the same as Takauji-san herself.
“In addition, You’re a rare type of girl who listens to the radio late at night and sends out story emails.”
A wry smile turned into a smile.
“Thanks for bringing me along. It’s hard to come here alone.”
“No, no, not at all. If you’re okay with me being the one to come here, I’ll go out with you anytime.”
Oh, I said something unnecessary with too much vigor….
Takauji-san’s eyes lit up again like a child’s as she leaned closer to me.
“Umm, yes. Your face is so close.”
I was so overwhelmed by her beauty that I couldn’t help but look away.
“Oh, I’m sorry. …….I’ve never had anyone I could talk to like this before.”
Takauji-san comes back to herself and smiles wryly.
“If you call me when you want to eat, I’ll go out with you anytime.”
Takauji-san chuckled.
“What kind of call is that? That’s weird.”
The more she spoke, the more I could tell that her image was different from her usual. Her appearance suggests that she likes mature things, but perhaps her taste buds are more childlike than one might think.
What’s the topic, the topic?! …….Ah, it was supposed to be sealed at school, but it would be fine outside of school, right?
“”Midnight Theory” Are you always rear-tying?”
I knew this was the only topic.
“Sometimes I fall asleep, but I usually listen to the end.”
“Me too. It’s just perfect when I listen to it while touching my phone at random.”
“Me too. I often listen to it in bed.”
“I understand. So I fall asleep if there’s something I’m not interested in.”
Goofing around, Takauji-san laughs with just her mouth.
“That’s why I stay in bed.”
“Yeah, yeah. The next day, when I was on my way to school, I started to doze off, and then I played it back on the app and listened to it again…….”
“Same here. I listen to it on the train because I commute to school, but it’s harder to kill my laughter when I get into the talk and joke sections.”
“That’s the hard part of commuting by train.” I continued.
Perhaps Takauji-san really wanted to talk, too.
She had a more expressive face than when we were in front of the station, and she was so talkative that I could hardly believe she was the same person.
Hungry, I bought an extra piece of apple pie and returned to my seat.
“What did you get?”
“Apple pie.”
“Pie ……. Phew!”
“If you take it home and it gets cold, you can warm this apple pie up with a ding…”
Stifling a laugh, Takauji-san tapped his desk with a peppery smirk.
I didn’t say anything funny.
Well, I did aim for the chin crap and said it, but I guess the dirty talk – or rather, not the bottom line – around here is the point, isn’t it?
After her laughter subsided, Takauji-san looked up and her face returned to a clear expression.
It was already too late to change back to a clear face.
“Do you like stories that elementary school kids would enjoy?”
“What are you talking about?”
I laughed so hard right in front of her, and she was trying to play dumb.
If she wants to hide it, let’s not pursue it.
After that, we continued to talk about the radio. Before I knew it, almost two hours had passed, and it was already dark outside the window.
“Takauji-san, we should get going.”
Takauji-san made a dreary face, like a dog seeing off his favorite master.
“It’s already dark outside.”
“That’s true, too……”
“Sorry I’m late, I got carried away.”
“No, it’s okay. I had a good time too.”
I wish I could scrub this smile off her face.
I want to show it to the me of yesterday.
We left the restaurant, and on the short walk to the station, we talked about the same thing again.
“You ended up sending me home, didn’t you?”
We parted at the ticket gate, saying “See you tomorrow.” and I watched Takauji-san’s back.
We talked a lot and had a lot of fun. I think it’s partly because there are very few people in real life with whom I can talk about this stuff in the first place.
Even within the same otaku hobby, subcultures such as anime, manga, and video games are much more major compared to radio. Radio didn’t seem to ring a bell when I mentioned it to Haru.
As I started walking toward the exit.
Takauji’s voice echoed through the campus.
I turn around to see a flustered-looking Takauji-san running toward me.
Clunk, ding-dong!
Takauji-san was blocked by the ticket gate.
“What’s wrong?”
I rush back to the ticket gate.
Did I leave something at the store?
“Kimishima-kun, please contact me at ……. let’s exchange lines if you like.”
I was dazzled by this unexpected suggestion.
“You haven’t talked enough?”
That’s all I could think of, and I couldn’t help but smile.
“……So ……No, we’re not. We’re both classmates, so I thought it would be more convenient for us to be in touch with each other.”
“Oh, so……”
Business contact, yes, yes……
When I tried to exchange contact information, subtly, the phone held by Takauji-san was shaking.
No, this is not the phone, but her hand?
“Takauji-san, your hand, is it shaking?”
“Yeah, who is. I’m not nervous.”
Yes, you are.
It’s probably because the more often she ask me to exchange, the less I ask for the opposite.
“I’ll call you if I need anything.”
“Even if you don’t have anything, you can call me anytime, at all.”
When I said what I thought, Takauji-san choked on his words.
Then she shook her head as if giving up.
“……No, you’ll get me in trouble.”
The announcement of the train that Takauji-san was about to board was played in the premises. I gave a small nod and started walking to the platform.
I strained my voice to keep up with the announcement.
“I’ll be up even if it’s late, me!”
Just somehow, I thought she might want to call me at night, and late at that.
Because I once thought that it would surely be more fun to listen together in real time and have someone to talk to while listening.
Takauji-san stopped and turned her head to look at me.
Her surprised expression slowly changed and her eyes narrowed.
Her mouth moved. I didn’t know what she said in a whisper, but she left with a smile like a blooming flower.
We talked, shook hands, and exchanged Lines. Today is a continuation of the angry development.
Takauji-san at school is trying to be Takauji-san. She is trying to be the Saaya Takauji that everyone has portrayed her as. She is different from the other girls around her, so she doesn’t say that she likes strong flavored junk food, she doesn’t profess to like the radio, and she doesn’t say that she likes to talk about things that are beneath her skin. Even if she laughs at a joke, she quickly changes it back to a blank expression. It was as if she had removed her own personality.
The image of Takauji-san as a man who hates vulgar talk and who sits in a coffee shop listening to classical music and sipping on a cup of tea without smiling is not really her.
For Takauji-san, who tries to be the Saaya Takauji is a fast-food restaurant that anyone can casually go to is a very high hurdle to overcome.
It’s a small price to pay to take her there again. If she’s that happy, I’d go out with her every day.
If that’s the real Takauji-san, I think she’s even nicer than the Takauji at school.
That’s why my desire to steal Takauji-san away from Kidokoro-senpai, who is notorious for being a [schemer] has become even stronger.
Currently, all I can do is talk about my hobbies and take her to fast food restaurants.
I don’t have the sense to dress down my uniform like Kidokoro-senpai, and I don’t have the money either.
“I couldn’t even buy her a drink earlier…….”
I bravely looked in my wallet to buy something for us, but there wasn’t enough left to pay for both of us.
“I ain’t got any taste in clothes, and I ain’t got any money ……. but I can manage to pay for it…”
I’ll get a part-time job.
I’ll make some money, buy some clothes for the date, and use it to pay for the date.
Even if I don’t have any plans for a date yet.
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